Pipeline Track - Hobart
This trail is a hidden gem that is ideal as an introduction to mountain bike riding near Hobart. Recommended for families or those who have not been on a bike a regularly as they would like. Following the water pipe from Fern Tree to its origins at North West Bay River. With a very gradual uphill gradient, this trail makes for a relaxing ride through fern lined forest passing numerous small waterfalls along the way. We stop for lunch alongside one of the many creeks before returning using the help of the gradual downhill.
Cost: $345 Adult $295 Per child (Up to 13) (Minimum 2 Adults)
Departs: On demand
Includes: Transport from Hobart Hotels, Guide, bike hire, lunch/snacks.
For all booking enquiries please email admin@mountainbiketasmania.com.au We are only taking payment once you get to Tasmania. We can pencil you in on a tour date that suits you and finalise the booking prior to departure once you are here.